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Housekeeping Sign: If You Use It… Clean It Learn More...

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Product Description

Keep the rules simple, and they're easy to follow.

  • Make sure everything stays clean. Post your sign in plastic, aluminum, or laminated vinyl.
tips 1910.22(a): Housekeeping. (1) All places of employment, passageways, storerooms, and service rooms shall be kept clean and orderly and in a sanitary con ...
0 Select Size: 10" x 14"   
3.5" x 5"
5" x 7"
7" x 10"
10" x 14"
12" x 18"
0 Select Material:
Quantity / Price (Per Label)
  • 10" x 14"
  • Adhesive Signs and Labels
  • Qualifies for Fast Ship
    Laminated Plastic Labels
  • Rigid Signs
  • Qualifies for Fast Ship
  • Qualifies for Fast Ship
    Aluminum (40 mil)
Laminated Plastic Labels
(click to zoom)
(Hover for more details)
  • 4 mil thick, conformable polyester labels.
  • Aggressive adhesive backing.
  • Laminated for superior durability.
  • Withstands water and chemicals.
  • Glossy finish is easy to clean.
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Size:10" x "14
Material:Laminated Plastic Labels
Total Price
Per Label
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  • Buy 3+
    13% OFF
  • Buy 5+
    18% OFF
  • Buy 20+
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  • Buy 40+
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Customer Reviews

  • 5.0
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May 11, 2020

Size: 10" x 14" Material Type: HDPE Plastic Sign   Verified Purchase

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Apr 30, 2018

Size: 7" x 10" Material Type: HDPE Plastic Sign   Verified Purchase

Great Sign to put on stationary tools

I placed the sign on our Drill Press. Other departments use it and thinks it no problem not cleaning up behind themselves. It has worked out great. Nobody but my department has been using it since I put the sign.