Drunk Driving Quiz

Can you answer these questions?

What does the acronym BAC mean?
  • (A)  Blood Alcohol Concentration
  • (B)  Blood Alcohol Criteria
  • (C)  Body Alcohol Checker
  • (D)  None of the above
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The BAC refers to the level of alcohol in one’s blood.
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Correct answer is:
  • (A)  Blood Alcohol Concentration
The BAC or Blood Alcohol Concentration is the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood. Measured as weight per unit of volume, the BAC is denoted in percentage. For instance, a person with a BAC of 0.10% has blood that is one-tenth alcohol. Driving a vehicle with a BAC of 0.08 or higher is considered impaired driving, drunk driving, or driving under the influence.
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