Amy Howell
As a freelance writer, Amy knows just enough to be dangerous to herself when talking with experts in various fields. A typical day might include researching OSHA regulations (for MySafetySign!), treatments for vertebral compression fractures, applications of data-driven insights or advancements in aircraft engines or genetic testing. Covering home design and décor, however, has been her home turf for more than a dozen years. She received her B.A. in Journalism from Miami University (no, not the one in Florida) and recently checked-off a lifelong dream of watching a NASA rocket launch.
Amy Howell's Latest Posts

Wyoming poised to pass legislation that addresses its “deadliest workplace” status
By the end of the year, Wyoming lawmakers could take a decisive step in the state’s long battle to reduce workplace fatalities. Wyoming is often ranked as one of the country’s most dangerous places to work. Since 2001, the state has repeatedly seen the highest ratio of workplace-related deaths in the nation, and reached a […]

New OSHA rule expands recordkeeping for injuries
An updated “recordkeeping rule” may sound like a mundane clerical change, but new revisions from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will have a significant impact on how employers — and the public — view workplace injuries. Last month, OSHA issued a final rule that will greatly expand the type of work-related injuries that […]

How high is too high? Evolving fall protection standards
Fall prevention in residential construction has become a major campaign for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), for good reason. Falls cause about 50 percent of residential construction fatalities, and 80 percent of residential roofing fatalities, according to a study published in September’s American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Regulations intended to protect these workers […]

Expanded whistleblower protection for federal workers
Too often we hear of federal agencies operating in isolated – although related – spheres. When it comes to workers seeking to report unsafe working conditions or unfair labor practices, this can create gaps that, unless outfitted with a labor attorney, are difficult to navigate. But the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and […]

Safety Check: which face masks should I use for home DIY?
Summer is here and home-improvement is in high gear. But did you know that health officials recommend using particulate respirators during many basic home DIY projects? These masks cost less than $10 and offer protection against airborne particles that can contribute to immediate and long-term health problems – especially if you are prone to allergies […]

A year after disaster: Progress and peril for Bangladeshi factory workers
Just over a year ago, management at a garment factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh ordered employees to report for work, despite warnings of critical structural problems in the building. During the morning rush hour, the eight-story Rana Plaza building collapsed, killing 1,100 workers and injuring thousands more. The Bangladeshi government vowed reformative action. American manufacturers […]

Do It Yourself, Safely: Plumbing
MySafetySign applauds the do-it-yourself spirit of home renovations, but there are often the same hazards in your weekend fixer-upper as there are on professional construction jobs. We want to make sure your project ends with a satisfied feeling of accomplishment, not a visit to the emergency room. Follow along as we cover the basics of […]

Do It Yourself, Safely: Removing Walls
MySafetySign applauds the do-it-yourself spirit of home renovations, but there are often the same hazards in your weekend fixer-upper as there are on professional construction jobs. We want to make sure your project ends with a satisfied feeling of accomplishment, not a visit to the emergency room. Follow along as we cover the basics of […]

Workplace bullying a growing concern
From an NFL player extincting threats to a teammate to a member of Congress turning off a fellow Representative’s microphone, there is no shortage of high-profile incidents regarding bullying in the workplace. For the rest of us, working in cubicles, hospitals, factories or construction sites, workplace bullying may not elicit media coverage, but it’s no […]

Does workplace wellness help the bottom line?
Last week we discussed whether workplace wellness programs benefited employees. This week, we’re talking about how they impact a company’s financial health. Workplace wellness programs seem to present a simple concept: reduce health care costs by encouraging employees to make healthier decisions. For some, that might mean talking with a nurse or taking classes to […]

Is workplace wellness doing more harm than good?
As healthcare costs have risen in recent years, a concept developed at large corporations has spread to companies large and small. According to a congressionally mandated report released last year, about half of U.S. employers now use workplace wellness programs. Marketed as a way to help improve employee health and thereby reduce absenteeism, increase productivity […]