Electrical Safety PPE Quiz

Do you know everything about the personal protective equipment required for electrical safety? Electrical Safety PPE Quiz

Do you know that the color of the insulating rubber glove is less important than the color of the “tag” on the glove to determine its classification? Are your aware of the 10-foot rule while working outdoors with equipment or machinery? Let’s test your knowledge then. MySafetySign.com has designed a free quiz to determine if you’re trained well for Electrical Safety PPE. Twisted multiple-choice questions, true or false statements, and visual problems will force you to dig deep in your memory to recall all the facts learned on electrical safety.

You might ask yourself, "What’s the point of a quiz? Why not just write a safety article?" This Electrical Safety PPE Quiz helps you know what’s what when it comes to crucial safety requirements in the workplace. Put your knowledge about electrical hazards to test with these quick, fun quiz questions – the more you know about the hazards you work around, the safer you will be around them.

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Think you're already an electrical safety PPE expert?

The questions below are just a preview of what you'll be tested on in our quiz. Do YOU already know the answers?

Quiz Scoreboard

• Should workers wear leather protective gloves over rubber insulating gloves?

• What should be the cuff length of leather protector gloves?

• Is it safe to climb a tree that is touching a power line?

• What is the 10-feet rule?

• What is considered appropriate personal protective equipment when doing electrical work?

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