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Charity Stebbins

Charity is a content manager for SmartSign. She spends her days curating SmartSign’s blogs, reading contemporary literature, and querying Google about basic life skills. Charity studied English and philosophy at the University of Denver and the University of Oxford, and received a master's in creative writing at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Before learning the arts of signage and digital content, she taught college rhetoric, composition, and creative writing. Charity was raised in Ghana and Colorado, and currently resides in Brooklyn where she has developed an affinity for folky hipster music and revenge cinema. Charity is a staunch believer in the Oxford comma.

Charity Stebbins's Latest Posts

Spot the high rise construction hazards on this rooftop painting site #HazardSpotting

Spot the high rise construction hazards on this rooftop painting site #HazardSpotting

| September 12, 2013

#HazardSpotting is a community safety initiative that helps raise awareness about dangerous workplace safety violations. Our audience submits pictures, and we write an article with insight from featured safety professionals. In our eleventh installment, we’re examining a painting jobsite on the roof of a high rise. It’s unique to get such a clear view of a […]

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Safety basics: How do I report a construction hazard?

Safety basics: How do I report a construction hazard?

| September 4, 2013

Infrastructure is constantly going up and coming down around us. Construction projects clutter our streets, sidewalks, hallways, and neighborhoods; if they’re conducted unsafely, every demographic is put in danger, from workers to passersby. All you have to do is take a look at our #HazardSpotting series to see a how common some bad practices are. […]

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#HazardSpotting: Missing hard hat, swaying suspended scaffold

#HazardSpotting: Missing hard hat, swaying suspended scaffold

| April 17, 2013

Where we spend our time affects the way we see the world. Since working at MySafetySign, I’ve begun to really notice the numerous construction workers and projects littered throughout New York City. Workers swerve in front of you carrying long, glass panes, water valves burst and soak the street and its harried repairmen, and scaffold […]

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How to lower hazardous silica levels with silica signs

How to lower hazardous silica levels with silica signs

| March 27, 2013 | 0 Comments

More than 1.7 million workers are endangered by silica dust each year, including construction workers, miners, roofers, and farmers. Anyone in an industry that uses abrasive blasting, jack hammering, drilling, concrete mixing, block cutting, sawing, or tunneling is exposed to the toxic dust. Each year, silicosis claims 250 lives. The disease is particularly insidious for two […]

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OSHA issues high heat advisory in California

OSHA issues high heat advisory in California

| March 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

It’s the first day of spring, but many U.S. regions are experiencing prolonged cold fronts. California, however, has the opposite concern: rising temperatures across the state have prompted OSHA to issue a heat advisory, catalyzed by a concern for outdoor workers’ safety. OSHA’s press release states: “While California’s heat illness standards are the toughest in the […]

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Excavation and trenching: what are the dangers?

Excavation and trenching: what are the dangers?

| February 5, 2013

It’ll come as no surprise that construction means moving dirt, and a lot of it. Excavating and trenching  are literally the foundation of civil engineering, necessary for installing pipes, roads, and ground wires. Excavation and trenching poses particular risks to workers, with hazards ranging from cave-ins, dangerous gases in the atmosphere, falling objects, drowning hazards […]

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