Krissa Cavouras
Krissa is a librarian by training and a knowledge manager by trade. She grew up overseas and makes her home in Brooklyn, having matriculated from Sarah Lawrence College (Bachelorette of the Pretentious Arts) and Pratt Institute (Mistress of Information and Library Science). An inveterate research nerd, Krissa loves government documents, controlled vocabularies, and referencing decade-old New Yorker articles in daily conversation. In her spare time she's usually cooking her way through Italian cuisine, snuggling her dog against his will, or watching Mad Men. In the summer months, she loves biking to work (and the smug sense of self-satisfaction that brings).
Krissa Cavouras's Latest Posts
Can Michael Scott keep you safe at work?
Workplace safety is a concern in every office, not just on the construction sites and in the manufacturing plants where you find heavily regulated machinery and practices. While they’re not always as obvious or immediately threatening, the various pitfalls facing the typical office worker are lurking nonetheless — there are potential trips and falls, ergonomic injuries, and workplace violence […]
Fire safety on the mean streets of Brooklyn! #HazardSpotting
#HazardSpotting is a community safety initiative that helps raise awareness about dangerous workplace safety violations. Our audience submits pictures, and we write an article with insight from featured safety professionals. Hazards come in all forms, shapes, and sizes. We’ve discussed several safety shortcomings involving fall protection and prevention, personal protective equipment, and slips, trips, and […]
Introducing the 2014 Health & Safety Industry Survey
We’re always looking for ways to improve the working lives of safety professionals, so we’re very excited to introduce the inaugural 2014 edition of MySafetySign Health & Safety Industry Survey. We canvassed over 500 safety professionals and we asked about key barriers and drivers to implementing health and safety initiatives in the workplace, hazard communication, […]
VIDEO: Missing fall protection on a flat roof! #HazardSpotting
#HazardSpotting is a community safety initiative that helps raise awareness about dangerous workplace safety violations. Our audience submits pictures, and we write an article with insight from featured safety professionals. This thirteenth post was spotted pretty close to home, and we were lucky to have a friend in the construction industry here in Brooklyn take a […]
Top ten safety blogs you should be reading
Experts in occupational safety will often tell us that safety doesn’t happen in a vacuum; it’s a complex network of assessment, risk management, the right equipment, and well-trained workers. For us here at MySafetySign, the same adage applies when it comes to staying informed about the safety industry, and we’ve steadily built our own arsenal […]
What fixed ladder hazards can you see? #HazardSpotting
#HazardSpotting is a community safety initiative that helps raise awareness about dangerous workplace safety violations. Our audience submits pictures, and we write an article with insight from featured safety professionals. In our tenth installment, we’re highlighting the ladder hazards in a building’s fixed roof access. We’ve spent a lot of time here at MySafetySign concentrating on […]
Who is protected? OSHA exemptions to coverage and record keeping
I was recently catching up with some old episodes of The West Wing. One episode addressed OSHA exemptions by featuring an amusing sideplot where Josh Lyman, the Deputy Chief of Staff to this fictional White house, is being hounded by his assistant about the importance of OSHA funding when it comes to protecting workers from […]
What crane construction hazards do you see? #HazardSpotting
#HazardSpotting is a community safety initiative that helps raise awareness about dangerous workplace safety violations. Our audience submits pictures, and we write an article with insight from featured safety professionals. In our eighth installment, we’re highlighting the crane hazards in a building construction zone. Cranes often inspire passersby to nervously look up, but when we took […]
#HazardSpotting: Concrete cutting and work safety zones
#HazardSpotting is a community safety initiative that helps raise awareness about dangerous workplace safety violations. Our readers submit photos, and we write a post with special guest insight from featured safety experts. This week Patrick Sullivan comments on a photo taken of a masonry saw by a MySafetySign employee. New York City is a busy, […]
How many safety violations can you see in this photo? #HazardSpotting
New York is a busy, bustling city, and sometimes when you stop to smell the roses, you catch sight of some disturbing thorns. One recent morning walk in my quiet residential neighborhood of Brooklyn brought me across the following perilous scene. My first thought was for my own safety; I was walking on that side […]
Top five Harlem Shake OSHA safety violations
Here at MySafetySign, we’re not immune to the repetitive, head-scratching hilarity and absurdity of the viral “Harlem Shake” phenomenon. For the uninitiated who’ve been happily living under a rock for the past month, the Harlem Shake is a group dance event of dubious origin (and not really related to the original, and respectable, Harlem Shake dance […]