Our Wise Pigs Bring Workers Together for a Safer Workplace

| May 18, 2017

Every job site has its own priorities and deadlines. It’s easy to lose sight of safety in such circumstances. Effective communication and good teamwork is key to making the workplace safer and more efficient.

Good teams are built by sharing information and trust. Open communication ensures workers keep an eye on hazards and report them to management, not only when things go wrong but when things could go wrong. Injury figures go down when workers ask for help instead of taking shortcuts or unnecessary risks.

Teamwork signs are a healthy reminder to employees, especially at construction sites. Our fun and creative teamwork signs feature cute, approachable pigs to remind your employees that safe work is good work. Our safety pigs encourage everyone to work together for better safety, productivity, and quality.

We also sell hard hat stickers with our safety pigs on them. These wearable safety messages are hard to ignore. You can choose between HatHugger™ vinyl or Spot-a-Hat ™ reflective labels.

Category: News / New Products