A lot of candidates appear for Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) examination. Knowing NFPA codes and standards in and out is not an option for them. Our quiz can benefit not just CFPS aspirants, but also risk managers, loss control specialists, fire officers, fire marshals, fire inspectors, safety managers, fire protection consultants, electrical-installation professional, designers, engineers, code enforcers, facility managers and others.
You might ask yourself, "What’s the point of a quiz? Why not just write a safety article?" This free quiz offers multiple choice and true/false questions to help you know what’s what when it comes to deciphering NFPA codes and standards. Put your knowledge about fire and electrical safety to test with these quick, fun quiz questions – the more you know about NFPA codes, the safer you will be.
Think you're already an NFPA Codes expert?
The questions below are just a preview of what you'll be tested on in our quiz. Do YOU already know the answers?
Taken | Correct Answers |
4,141 | 48.46% |
Grade | Number of Tests |
90-100% | 691 |
80-89% | 254 |
70-79% | 325 |
Below 70% | 2,871 |
• In an NFPA code, what do “should” and “shall” mean?
• What is an errata?
• Which new NFPA standard is the world’s first standard for hostile events and active shooters?
• For whom was NFPA 704 Diamond developed?
• After how many years, does NFPA 70E (standard for Electrical Workplace Safety) undergoes an update?