Retail Workers Safety Quiz

Retail establishments such as gas bars, departmental stores, bakeries etc employ a large workforce of the country. While working in a retail sector does not seem to be particularly dangerous, it does, in fact, include many hazards that require attention on the part of employer as well as employees.

Retail workers are faced with dangers, some of which are common and other particular to their establishment. The dangers include general hazards like slip trip and falls, storage and disposal related hazards related to loading docks and dumpsters, hazards pertaining manual tasks like ergonomic injuries and due to lifting heavy objects. This puts them at a greater risk of musculoskeletal disorders.

Due to the nature of their job, retail workers are also often exposed to violence and verbal abuse by customers.

The responsibility to train workers and ensure their safety rests on the employer. The key factors are to identify hazards, supervision of workers, mitigating risks through training and a comprehensive health and safety policy. Its’ essential that retail workers are aware of their rights and are well trained to handle the emergency situations.

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