Do you work in an area where you may be subject to a dangerous fall? Are you aware of the protocol and safety practices you should follow to prevent sustained injuries from falling in the home or workplace? A fun, informative, and free quiz was created to keep you aware of both how to avoid a dangerous fall and what to do should one occur.
While there exists a great deal of information on the net about safety tactics and programs, these facts and figures are often presented in dense medical or regulatory articles. By creating a more practical and education-based approach to avoiding trips and falls, the goal is to not only make safety information more accessible, but to encourage people to actively promote workplace safety. Just being informed can reduce injuries and prevent falls – so test your knowledge right here, free of charge.
Think you're already a fall protection expert?
The questions below are just a preview of what you'll be tested on in our quiz. Do YOU already know the answers?
Taken | Correct Answers |
22,224 | 61.79% |
Grade | Number of Tests |
90-100% | 4,248 |
80-89% | 2,490 |
70-79% | 2,824 |
Below 70% | 11,200 |
• 800 construction workers die each year while on the job, and falls are the leading cause of death. How many of these deaths are due to falls?
• At what working height must a fall arrest system be employed?
• What is the maximum angle at which a ladder should be positioned?
• Which components are no longer parts of the Personal Fall Arrest System?
• Which lifeline allows the worker to move up and down the entire height of the line rather than having to disconnect and find a new tie-off point on the tower or ladder he or she is climbing?